Big Kahuna Donut Business
Austin Tx

The doughnut line in this donut business is based on a Polynesian/ Hawaiian theme. What makes the doughnut line special is that the doughnuts are made with no GMO and no corn syrup and based on all natural ingredients. This was no easy task for a baker like me that likes to throw in the kitchen sink (sort of speak) but in good fashion I created the doughnut line that is absolutely decadent. Donut Training duration: 18 days.
In the video I always pass the dough hook as a trophy for completing a donut training. Believe me by the time I train a new owner they deserve it!!!
But please, don’t cold call my client for a reference.
If you would like a reference prior to hiring me, please ask and I will provide complete contact information. Please understand I am ask for references nearly on a daily basis. I like to spread out my references as not to bother one individual client no more than I have to or I would drive them crazy with phone calls. I have dozens of references from successful donut shop owners to choose from. I look forward to moving forward with your plan of action to enter the donut business.
Lester Chastain